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Visual identity

The logo reflects the collaborative link between the three main partners : airlines and ground handlers, the Air Navigation Service Providers and airport operator (Aéroports de Paris). These three poles exchange and converge to form a common concept: the CDM system.

The association between yellow and black highlights the CDM@ORY project: a graphic way to reflect the visual codes of an international airport.

CDM@ORY key steps

1. Programme structuring

This phase consisted of organising the project. The aim was to plan the realisation of the project, identify the stakeholders, their role and interaction and define validation bodies. A textbook project was produced in February 2012.

2. Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)

The aim of the study was to decipher the costs and benefits resulting from the deployment and operation of a CDM programme in Paris-Orly airport. It was led by the CBA workshop, launched in February 2012 and whose results were presented and approved by the Executive Committee on 10 May 2012.

The CBA programme meets the requirement to evaluate different scenarios in relation to the strategic objectives, laid out in the governance operations process from the DSNA (PRO017).

The CBA programme aimed to evaluate investments in human resources (resources, training etc.) and materials (PDS Tools and DMAN, communication etc.), in terms of the operational, economic, and environmental interest, and the anticipation of regulatory compliance at European level. The economic viability of this project has been verified and the CDM@ORY project has been officially launched.

3. Information sharing

The main challenge is to streamline CDM knowledge of traffic developments at Paris-Orly airport with the collaboration of all partners. Information sharing is key to making quick, suitable decisions based on necessary and reliable data.

For this purpose, the Indicator workshop (definition of monitoring, performance and control indicators) and the Collaborative Exchange workshop (identification of the information to be shared between the partners) created the CDM@ORY website. Accessible to all stakeholders, the website displays, in real-time, operational elements of the platform such as runway configuration, runway capacity (declared and runway pressure), Network Manager regulations and weather conditions. A link to the website "Météo France at Orly" will be available and a live chat will allow real time communication with Météo France.

The CDM@ORY website is online since March 2013 and you can register now. Request for account creation

The CDM cell will group together all partners and manage all issues related to aeronautical areas.

4. Common Pre-Departure Sequencer (C-PDS)

The C-PDS tool developed by Paris Aéroport, as part of an agreement with the ANSP, will improve and manage departures in both nominal and adverse situations, especially when demand exceeds available capacity.

This tool aims to pre-sequence departures blocks. When implemented, it decreases the impact of regulations which are less effective at local level.

5. Management of adverse conditions

The CDM@ORY project also plans to improve the management of the platform under adverse conditions (bad weather, traffic constraints, de-icing, etc.) to optimize the available capacity and ensure the highest possible level of safety and service. That is why the PDS must also take into account operating conditions when adverse situations. Summary coordination sheets will also be issued.

6. Eurocontrol A-CDM certification

The implementation of the CDM system in Paris-Orly airport implies a close collaboration with Eurocontrol and all airport operations skateholders.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding by each stakeholder took place on June 20th 2012, following the conclusions of the CBA. This reflects the convergence of intention of all partners, towards the completion of the CDM@ORY project.

MoU signed by :
  1. Aéroports de Paris
  2. SNA-RP
  3. Air France
  4. AOC Orly
  5. Météo France
  6. COHOR
  7. Eurocontrol
  8. BAR
  9. FNAM
  10. CSAE
  11. Alyzia
  12. GEH
  13. WFS

Advanced ATC Tower accreditation

The Pre-Departure Sequencer (PDS) has been implemented and connected to operational Network Manager flow since December 2014. The sending of off-clock event to NMOC allows to integrate each departure flight in the regulation during taxi process.



Airport CDM accreditation

The Departure Manager (DMAN) implementation by Air Navigation Services and its interconnection with PDS and NMOC allow to sequence all departure flights from H-3 and result in an optimization of airport operations management and a better predictability of En-Route traffic overload.

The flow is fully operational since July 2016 and Paris-Orly is A-CDM since November 2016.