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The main objectives of Airport CDM

The CDM is a concept initiated by the European Commission and by which Eurocontrol follows the deployment and delivers the "Airport-CDM" accreditation.

The objective of this initiative is to strengthen the coordination between partners to improve traffic flows and to make appropriate decisions at the right time in both nominal and adverse conditions through accurate and reliable information sharing.

This initiative is a part of development and performance of the airport at European level. The implementation of the CDM concept at the Paris-Charles de Gaulle et Paris-Orly airports also aims to anticipate and integrate the SES II regulations and the new European system of performance.

CDM stakeholders

CDM stakeholders, represented above on the diagram, communicate with each other through the CDM project and its websites dedicated to each airport site.

The privileged connection with Eurocontrol Network Manager brought by the Pre-Departure Sequencer (PDS) is essential.

Real time flight schedules and sequence updates are priceless for the CFMU (reliable information about departure flights is permanently sent, taking into account the Variable Taxi Time (VTT) and ATFCM slots to estimate the take-off time).



The implementation of the CDM system helps to improve the quality of service offered to users. The list of benefits is shown below:



Dedicated website

The CDM website dedicated to the Paris airports is online since March 2013. The public section provides information about the CDM concept and its deployment in Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly airports, as well as a list of FAQ and useful links and contacts.

The private section provides access to the CDM@CDG and CDM@ORY websites. Accessible to all partners, this section includes real-time views on "Airside" operational elements as runway configuration and capacity or regulations from the Network Manager.

PDS : Pre Departure Sequence

This tool is key to the CDM project as it calculates departure sequences to improve traffic flow.

There are many consequences: improved punctuality, reduced fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and increased quality of service offered to passengers.
This system depends on the reliability of information provided: airlines or their assistants regularly send estimated departure times (ED, or Target Off Block Time) to the PDS, updating the time at which the aircraft will be ready to depart.

The PDS, taking into account runway capacity constraints and local and ATFM rules, delivers a sequence of departures based on fair treatment. Each flight receives a TSAT (Target Start-up Approval Time).

The example below represents an operational PDS sequence: